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Cancellation Policy

When booking with Superior Cleaning Australia you are agreeing to our Cancellation Policy.

Cancellations – Please notify us at your earliest convenience when you need to reschedule or cancel your clean. Cancellation fees apply to all our clients.

You may cancel by calling our Office. In exceptional circumstances, the decision to waive any fees will rest solely with the Directors

Superior Cleaning Office – 0488 002 915

We understand emergencies pop up, and when this happens, we appreciate being informed immediately. We will always try to reschedule the clean to another day and time within that week.

Please let us know if you would like to discuss any of the above.

Up to 24 hours before your scheduled clean

No Charge

24 hours and under before your Scheduled Clean

50% of Fee charged

Failure to cancel Scheduled appointment without notice and cleaner arrives at your house.

100% of Fee charged